How to Make a Large Woven Basket

large woven basket

This large woven basket makes a great storage bin for anything from clothes, baby blankets and toys to pillows, throws, stuffed animals and more. It also doubles as a plant pot cover so you can add greenery to your decor too. The cloth liner is easily removed for laundry days at the laundromat.

This basket was woven by members of the Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth (pronounced “new-CHAH-nah-lth”) peoples, both from western Washington state. Their soft twined baskets feature a horizontal band of woven animal images near the rim. Dogs and wolves appear similar, but it is possible to tell them apart by their tails: dog tails point upwards and wolf tails point downwards.

Handcrafted Beauty: Embracing the Charm of Large Woven Baskets

The base of this basket was woven in a plaiting technique with reed or splint and the sides were woven with paper strips. The paper strips were placed first over one splint and then under the next, creating a checkerboard pattern. The weft, or paper strips, were then folded and glued together at the corners to form the basket shape.

Whenever you make a basket, be sure to keep track of your costs. Be sure to weigh your reed or splint, the handle and any additions like labels, tie-on’s or other decorations. Then be sure to include your labor cost based on a reasonable hourly wage. You should also calculate any expenses incurred to run your business, including booth rental, vehicle expense and advertising. Keep all of this in mind when pricing your baskets.

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